SJF GEAR UP College Collaboration Video
ATTENTION: GEAR UP is currently NOT able to take new applications at this time. Sorry for the inconvenience. Our advisors will be in contact once we get it sorted out.
Services Provided:
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Tutoring (during and after school)
Scholarship/Financial Aid
Academic Support
College Campus Tours
ACT assistance
College Preparation
A Variety of Workshops
printable file
printable file
GEAR UP is a federally-funded discretionary grant program, and requires completion of an application (the entire application must be completed). In order for your student to qualify for Utah’s statewide GEAR UP educational program, certain financial parameters must be met. GEAR UP uses guidelines based upon the Free and Reduced Lunch program. You do not have to be enrolled in the Free and Reduced Lunch program, however, you must be “eligible” (see page 4 of the application) for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program to “qualify” for GEAR UP. We do not collect documentation related to proof of income, and once enrolled in GEAR UP, you cannot be “disqualified” based upon an increase in household income. If you have any questions, please contact us. All information is held in strictest confidence. GEAR UP is available to any qualifying student in grades 7th-12th.